
Types of temperature probes for thermostat and solar thermal equipment


PTC or NTC type temperature probes

They are temperature-sensitive resistors.
Their functionality is based on the change in internal resistance as the outside temperature rises or falls, as does the voltage internally.
Obviously this is completely analog technology. 

resistencia térmica tipo ntc o ptc
resistencia térmica tipo ntc o ptc
thermal resistance type ntc or ptc
thermal resistance type ntc or ptc

This is the type of sensor or thermal probe used in current consumer electronics.
It is easy to find in the electronic components market.

Advantages of analogue NTC or PTC probes

Disadvantages of analogue NTC or PTC probes

Digital temperature probes

They are not resistors like the previous ones.
It has a very similar appearance to a transistor.
They are pure digital devices as if they were micro computers.
The device that manages it literally asks what its temperature is, and this digital probe answers with the exact data.

They are widely used in recreation and learning about domestic electronic uses and home automation applications.
The most popular among digital probes is the DALLAS B18B20.

It is very popular in the world of Arduino.

a Dallas DS18B20 digital probe with an arduino
a Dallas DS18B20 digital probe with an arduino

The Dallas Ds18b20 digital probe looks like this:

Dallas DS18B20 Digital Thermal Probe
Dallas DS18B20 Digital Thermal Probe
Dallas DS18B20 Digital Thermal Probe with Holster
Dallas DS18B20 Digital Thermal Probe with Holster

These little devices are made up of 3 legs. Two of them are for supplying voltage (5v).
The 3rd leg is the one used for digital communication with your thermostat or any similar device that manages it.

Here is the identification of the legs of the ds18b20 sensor:

Identification of legs in Dallas DS18B20 digital thermal probe
Identification of legs in Dallas DS18B20 digital thermal probe

Advantages of Dallas 18B20 digital probes

Disadvantages of Dallas 18B20 digital probes

15 de March de 2021
thermoresistor, sensor ntc, sensor pt100, thermosensor, thermal probe, sensor ds18b20, sensor ptc